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Second Chance Job & Resource Fair to be held in the River Valley

The education center said this fair is "geared towards individuals that have been involved with the justice system."
Credit: Crawford County Adult Education Center
Arkansas Workforce Center booth offering jobs in the River Valley

VAN BUREN, Ark. — Second Chance Job & Resource Fair will be held on Sept. 19 in Van Buren. 

The event will be held at the Crawford County Adult Education Center located at 301 Mt. Vista Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The education center said this fair is "geared towards individuals that have been involved with the justice system."

Those who attend can expect the following opportunities: 

- Networking opportunities

- Face-to-face interaction

- Job offers and interviews

- Local community resources

The Department of Workforce Services Mobile Unit will be on-site to help job seekers with applications and resumes. 

Employers are invited to register for a free recruitment booth. Participants will be provided with a 6-foot table and two chairs.

The event is free and lunch will be provided. 

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