AMITY, Ark. — A small-town Arkansas man got to witness the once-in-a-lifetime total solar eclipse with an egg-cellent sidekick.
While out on his farm on Monday afternoon, Tad Fendley of Amity, Arkansas was joined by his sister Carolyn Fendley Shell, and his pet chicken, Gertrude.
He believes that Gertrude is a Barred Rock chicken and has had her for nearly three years now.
Tad and Gertrude shared the magnificent experience together by both donning their eclipse glasses and looking to the skies! Gertrude was so excited to be experiencing the phenomenon that she even laid an egg.
He explained that this was a first-time experience for both of them. However, he and his sister attempted to share the experience by putting eclipse glasses on their cows too— but they weren't having it!
Family members also shared that most people in the Amity community are familiar with the Fendley name.